Software startup is looking for a logo with recognition value
Winner design of twins2design

Software startup is looking for a logo with recognition value

For the amount of 231€ will be 71 Design Suggestions from 7 designers handed in.

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This short briefing was written by a client:

Bookify creates applications that are used by hairstylists and normal smartphone users.
We were thinking about a black slogan but we are pretty flexible. The image should match the slogan color (e.g.: green, pink).

The "book" in bookify means "booking" (e.g.: book an appointment), it is NOT a reference to a physical book! Therefore, the image could contain a calendar icon. The image of the logo should provide recognition value. Users should be able to know the content of the software by viewing the logo image. But also here we are pretty much flexible.

Some logos we like are the ones from Twitter, Apple or Spotify.

We require an Adobe Illustrator AI file and a PNG file. is an easy, fast and risk-free alternative to get a professional design at an affordable price.
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