50 years Yachtclub Tivoli
Winner design of nu eidee

50 years Yachtclub Tivoli

For the amount of 175€ will be 83 Design Suggestions from 14 designers handed in.

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This short briefing was written by a client:

Yacht club / Sailing club
Redesign of the existing logo with regard to the 50th anniversary of the Sailing and Yachting Club Tivoli Lucerne Switzerland. The new logo will be presented more than one year and will be used aon all official events, gala evening , invitations, marketing activities etc. A first internal brainstorming resulted in the idea of combining the existing logo with a nostalgic written element, which aims at the last 50 years of the nautical experience. The internal abbreviation is YTL which stands for Yacht Club Tivoli
Further information and the logo can be found here:

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